Monday, June 4, 2012

Hold on strategy and market assessments

My strategy works for VIX<25. VIX passed that level on Friday, so no more trading for me till VIX goes back below 25.

Till then, I will publish some market commentary and see how that works:

Today AAPL beat the market in daily performance while Facebook suffered more than the market. There is a bottom coming up on Facebook, at which there will be a major buying pressure. I think the bottom is around $24-25 where most of the research analysts are predicting the intrinsic value of the stock.

There is also a strategy on AAPL options in the short run. There will be a run up in AAPL stock upto its next earnings in July. Options are the cheapest way to play there. If the market does not fall down further tomorrow, I will open some long call positions on AAPL expiring in August, after the earnings.

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