Thursday, May 31, 2012

End of Week 7

I ended this week today on Thursday. This was a good week and I wished I could have let the profits run. However, my CFA is on Saturday and dont want too much movement on the portfolio on Friday as I want to relax. The other reason I closed today, was that the portfolio touched $7,000 or 40% returns today. A nice round, auspicious number to close at.

Additionally, now my account is no longer eligible for free trades. I had 100 free trades for 2 months. I used only 63, but the two months are up so high commissions from now. I will be increasing the amount of money I work with so that the commissions are a smaller percentage of profits. If all my current trades were commissioned, I would be sitting on $6,100 instead of $7,000. This strategy is heavy on trades and commissions and thus, I need atleast three times the money so that the commissions are around 1/6th of profits rather than 1/2 of profits.

Here is the graph with the SPY till now:

Next are some stats with the SPY as the benchmark:

Also below is the return histogram - red being SPY daily returns and blue being Portfolio daily returns:

Adios till 6/8 then.

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