Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Options strategy:

Put in the maximum exposure that i have had till now. Around $7000 in the market. Closed around $30 down. Now that i am getting commissions charged, i paid $60 in commissions to set up the trade. Now i need really good performance as 2% will be lost every week on commissions itself. I will be transferring more money to the account soon so that the commissions (which are more like fixed costs) become a smaller and smaller percentage of the returns.

Market assessment:

Markets rose from a belly flop last month. I am sure you must have heard "sell in may and go away" ... many people seem to have done that. AAPL was down while the market was up. I think i should have brought AAPL options today while they were cheap. I will try again tomorrow. It is a nice play right now with VIX high but not very high.

FB continues to fall. There will be buying at $24 for me. Maybe sell puts at $15 as I dont think it will go down that much in the short run. The next earnings will be key and FB-VIX will rise. It may make sense to go long on properly designed FB options, with less delta and high vega.


  1. Just discovered your blog today looking for AAPL option trade suggestions. Looks like you have good info and I'll follow you. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks Josh. I trade AAPL options and SPY options - the two most liquid ones. I keep writing everyday or every other day.
