Monday, June 11, 2012

Market Assessment:

While the Asian stocks rallied, US did not and lost value. VIX is high again and hitting the 25 mark. AAPL is staying above market for a while and is ready for a robust rise up to the earnings. It beats markets almost all days. FB is rising from the ashes. Good time to buy. Will also add ZNGA to my analysis now. The stock is down 8% today and while FB seems to have bottomed out, ZNGA hasnt. While their fortunes are linked, in the short term, they are not. I will be long ZNGA in the next few days. A decent pop from $5ish to 7ish can be expected, once FB starts to stabilize (which it has already done).


Last week, was the most brutal of them all. Stocks rose irrationally and wiped out all of my gains and pushed me into loss territory. There was no mercy and even closing positions was tough given the high vol (of option prices) June 6th and 7th I lose 12% and 10% respectively. Today was the best day till day as I made 13% in a day and back in positive. Now my base is $12,500 and I currently stand at $12,747, a measly 2% gain. Note that the highest I went was 40% gains on a base of $5,000. Have to be patient here. I have also reduced the riskiness of my strategy, so hopefully, losses from now will be lower. 

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