Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day trading

This blog will show my regularly updated day trading profits. First graph is for the first two weeks. Percentages with respect to day 1 are shown:

Total profits in two weeks: 12% of invested capital

Perspectives on week one:

Started day trading and made 7% gains in a week. A good confident start - hope to continue it.

Perspectives on week two:

There is a day of a loss in week two - $9. Although insignificant, it was a real blow to confidence of "gaining every day". The bad decision was shorting a stock which had "bad earnings news". However, the company had timed a "great news" (on a new business contract) and a "bad earnings news" together to create a volatile situation for its stock. I happily ignored the "great news" and expected the stock to go down. It went down a bit and then jumped back up a few percentage points - obviously buoyed up by the "great news". Without stop losses, I lost $900 on it, though I gained a similar amount on two other trades, I lost overall.

Lesson learned: Look for opposing news items which may have been (intentionally or otherwise) timed to be released together.

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