Monday, May 18, 2009

Day trading week 3

Total profits in 3 weeks = 20% of capital employed

Perspectives on week 3:

Healthy profits every day. Wednesday was a moderate day with a 0.3% profit. I had waited too long for a stock to fall before shorting it. Turns out it was done falling and was going to rise. While it started its long rise, I went under water. But I realised that Mr. stock here rose way too much. It was anotehr shorting opportunity. I was right this time. With the next few ups and downs I made five quick trades - shorting at the resistance level and covering at the support. With these five small trades, I was able to win back all of my losses in the first failed short. A long two hours in the morning - but I came out over water.

Thursday and Friday were nice windfalls - 2% and 3% respectively. Overall, a very good week 7% total gains.

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