Thursday, June 21, 2012

Week 10

Stock assessment:

Market is down 1.5% as of mid-day due to weak factory data. Tech stocks however, are mixed. FB has found a solid bottom, while AAPL remains resilient. This is a good time for a short term AAPL strategy, as it will rebound on any good news.

However, I would stay away from the market next week as GDP and Consumer confidence data gets released. Market may move direction-ally and I wouldnt want to be on the wrong side of it. However, AAPL in these situations is great as it is usually thought to be delinked with the US economy and behaves independently of it.

Spread strategy:

I closed out my positions today. There was a major upswing due to high vol and didnt make sense going into Friday to see full gains. I have made 20% gains this week on the money in market and about 10% on the total portfolio (I kept half portfolio in cash). Here are the charts:

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