Friday, June 5, 2015

Econoday Economic Report: International Trade June 3, 2015

Econoday Economic Report: International Trade June 3, 2015

Econoday Economic Report: International Trade June 3, 2015

Econoday Economic Report: International Trade June 3, 2015

Friday, November 8, 2013

The JC Penney Trade - part 1

JCP has been hit by a lot of bad news. I will employ a medium term trade to generate at least 5% a month for 3-4 months. The trade is based on the premise that JCP will not go bankrupt in 3-4 months and there is an opportunity to generate money due to the high volatility on JCP options (around 100 for bi-weekly ones, and 60-70 on weekly ones).

I will document the trade here. With JCP at $8.23, I have started by selling 2 cash secured puts at $7.50 strike and 1 cash secured put at $7.00. Both expire on 11/22/13. This is a small trade which require $2200 of capital, which will be used to test the strategy. If it goes well for one month, I will increase capital to $10,000 or more.

The exit strategy will be to unwind the trades as soon as there is a doomsday news on JCP, which is low probability but can nonetheless occur.

Date: 11/8/13
Cash secured: $2200
Puts sold: $98
$7.5 strike, 11/23 expiry - 2 @ $0.37
$7 strike, 11/23 expiry    - 1 @ $0.24

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Put selling on SVXY

Seeing that XIV and SVXY have a long term positive bias, I have decided to sell puts on SVXY as well. There are a lot of swings on it, so for this trade, i will relax Teddi's conditions on closing as it is riskier and needs larger swings.... doing ok till now - need to go into the 'bad' territories to see if this really works...

7/24/20131SoldSVXY$102 08/17/13Put1$90$2.01$11.0$190.00
8/2/2013-1BroughtSVXY$113 08/17/13Put-1$90$0.55$15.0($70.00)
2SoldSVXY$113 08/17/13Put1$102$1.50$150.00

Rules employed for put selling

Following are the rules that I will apply:

OPENING (mostly from Teddi but modified a bit)

  • Take solid stocks - Teddi says don't use stocks worth over $120. I am using IBM though
  • Find out stocks which crossed their lower bollinger bands 
  • Confirm with the K/D indicator that they are firmly oversold
  • Check if MACD shows positive momentum - this one seems less useful
  • Check out flattening of 10 day EMA - also it should be lower than 20 day SMA and 30 day SMA both

CLOSING (all from Teddi) -

  • Put offer to buy back the naked put at a 75% profit if it was close to ITM, 80% if it was OTM. This offer should hold till 2 weeks before expiration. Afterwards, keep reducing the order, till you reach the expiry date. Lower by 10% each day.
  • If trade turns against you, close at 20% loss for ITM, 25% loss for OTM
  • If you are in profit zone, and trade turns against you, close immediately 

Put selling

I am following Teddi's put selling strategies ( I am quite in sync with the kind of trades she suggests and will be replicating them here for my own records. These are my trades till now - small earnings but confidence builders


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election day analysis

Below is how the S&P500 reacts to the elction day over the last three elections. The 2 day before election day is at "1" and then the movement is indexed to it. e.g. if election is on 11/7/2000, then day one is the closing price of 11/6/2000.

The day before election is always a very quite one - need to remember - i.e. from 11/2/2012 to 11/5/2012 the market change is small - ths has been true for the past three ones

The day of the election (before the election) i.e. 11/5/2012 to 11/6/2012, there is some change  -2% in 2000, 1% in 2004 and -4% in 2008, looks like 1.5% in 2012 (day not closed yet)

Post election, there is more movement, i.e. movement from 11/6/2012 to 11/7/2012. -2% in 2000, 1.5% in 2004, -5% in 2008 and we dont know yet for 2012

Thus, I will close my position today as there may be a major movement tomorrow.