Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Citigroup is a beautiful stock. It goes up and down and then up again. If the market is down, you should invest in Citi. Then over the next 10 days, wait for the stock to go up - and it certainly does. Exit when the profits are decent and then wait for another down day. It IS that easy :)

I added eTrade and started investing out of it. eTrade is costlier than bank of America self directed investing, but it provides a lot of functionality which is very useful. I have also added more capital to my trading account.

I am getting the hang of swing trading - which is primarily what I described above with Citigroup. The investment is done with a view to catch on to 'swings' in stocks.

Over the next few days, I will also try my luck on market timing - i.e. being fully invested in the market during up days and staying in cash during down days.